Accessibility Statement


Dear patient/client and/or their loved one,

Dear colleague,
Dear partner,
Dear funder,
Dear friend,

Here at Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre we wish to offer our patients/clients high-quality and competitive rehabilitation services. Professional and polite employees, pleasant surroundings and plenty of possibilities for doing various rehabilitational activities are the three cornerstones of this hospital.

Our hospital has an open-minded and co-operative mindset, sharing its knowledge and experience with its partners and other enthusiasts.

Share with us any thoughts, experiences, or stories related to our hospital: your time spent here, the services received, past or present cooperation, work-related situations etc.

We are looking forward to your suggestions and complaints that help us learn and grow, and improve upon the services we offer and the work we have done. Positive feedback is also appreciated – it ensures that we are moving in the right direction and allows us to enjoy our work.

The feedback is analyzed on a regular basis and the results are published on the hospital’s website.

All feedback forms containing contact details shall receive a written response as soon as possible, but no later than one month after sending the feedback.

Your opinion matters! Thank you for the feedback!

    60 years of experiences, contemporary knowledge, well-kept skills.